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Exploring the "7 Days" of Creation

The WHY?

Come alongside and help join the important process to transform the idea into a reality to help benefit your family, friends, local community and the larger body of the Church.

More important than the WHAT of the book idea is the WHY? One hears of the studies of the decline in practicing Christianity in America. While there are many reasons for this, one major reason is that once adolescents leave home they walk away from their faith and many do not come back.


Come alongside and help join the important process to transform the idea into a reality to benefit your family, friends, local community and the larger body of the Church.

More important than the WHAT of the book idea is the WHY? One hears of the studies of the decline in practicing Christianity in America. While there are many reasons for this, one major reason is that once adolescents leave home they walk away from their faith and many do not come back.

First, part of this is that their faith was a parent’s faith, while they were living under a parent’s roof. Once off at college, there is not this “obligation”. A second consideration related to the first, and more important for the reason of the book, is older adolescents will meet others of differing world views. These interactions will rise questions of doubt. In may cases, the “Christian” adolescent cannot answer these issues of doubt well because many Christian parents left any thoughtful Christian educating up to the church, which is also lacking in real education versus Sunday school coloring assignments.

While most Christian parents are well intended, they themselves do not spend much time studying the Bible or thinking through some of the harder considerations of faith or Biblical narratives. Those parents are focused on the busyness and day-to-day cares of life. As such, the issue of Christian education is largely, if not exclusively, left up to Sunday sermons, Sunday school teachers and later youth group leaders.

While adults (parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles) that have a child in their life may not be proactively looking to organize the different views of the 7 Days of Creation and understand the articulated differences by different thinkers over the centuries, those same adults would happily buy a book that does that as a gift for the child in their life -- if they heard such a book existed. As such, there is the need for spreading the word to help bring the book to life. Further, a children’s book actually has the benefit of reaching two audiences. First, the child for whom a book is purchased. Second, an adult in the child’s life who would be a likely reader of the book (for younger children) regardless of who purchased the book for the child.

As such, the WHY for the book is that it provides a way for children and parents/adults to better learn, question, and understand the various views, along with arguments for those views, for the 7 Days of Creation to come to their own informed view that is grounded in the understanding of those views. This grounded understanding provides one less avenue for attack for raising doubt in other areas of an individual’s Christian faith.


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6 ESV). Come alongside and help join the important process to transform the idea of this book into a reality to help benefit your family, friends, local community and the larger body of the Church.